
Privacy and Your Business Health

In my last article (read it here), I went into more detail on the actions you can take to get ready for the upcoming changes with Facebook and iOS 14. Today’s article is more about you. It’s about making sure your business is compliant while protecting your business: privacy and business health. Here’s the thing, you […]

Sales And Marketing Are Key For Digital Entrepreneurs To Thrive In Tough Times

It’s the age-old problem…we love to buy things, but we hate when someone tries to ‘sell’ us something. So, what if learning just a little about marketing could make selling a lot easier for you? THIS is the number one objection I get from entrepreneurs who are struggling to grow and scale their businesses – […]

Should You Use Custom Conversions Or Standard Events For Your Facebook™ Ads?

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This question seems to come up a lot.  It’s easy to find endorsements for both Custom Conversions and Standard Events for Facebook™ Ads. Over the last 5 or 6 years there have been varying opinions on which method is best for accurate data. So, let’s chat about the benefits of each, what I recommend, and why. […]

Three Facebook Advertising Myths And How To Overcome Them

facebook advertising myths

Overcoming Facebook Advertising Myths It seems every month or so another one pops up on my radar… Another business owner who has some misperception of Facebook Advertising.  Or maybe they have followed bad advice and are just afraid to try again. Regardless of the reason, I like to address the myths surrounding Facebook Advertising in […]

8 Core Motivators To Drive Action

core motivators

WHAT ARE THE CORE MOTIVATORS THAT MAKE US TAKE ACTION? It can be a real challenge to choose the right words to get our prospective clients and partners to take action.  When we start our business, we envision droves of clients running toward our solution. As time goes by, we can get disillusioned by the […]

It’s Hip To Be Square: Social Image Dimensions for 2019

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Does It Feel Like The “Suggested” Sizes For Social Image Dimensions Are Moving Targets? After almost five years of running pay per click ads on Facebook and other platforms, this is a question that consistently comes up from new marketers. “I just saved some templates, and why is “it” asking me to change my image […]

Tips for Successful Social Media Marketing

social media marketing

. Tips to help you Make Rapid Improvements In Your Social Media Marketing One look at the success of Facebook shows why social media marketing is essential if you want to expand the reach of your business. With so many different sites and apps and niches out there, the options are literally limitless when it […]