How Long Does It Take to Convert Leads Into Clients?

How Long Does It Take to Convert Leads Into Clients illustration of clients, revenue generation notes, and a shopping cart icon.

How Long Does it Take to Turn Leads Into Clients? Too many entrepreneurs and small business owners struggle to turn leads into clients. With a few strategic steps converting more leads into customers can get easier. The length of time it takes to make this happen can vary depending on a number of factors. In […]

How To Create A Marketing Plan For Your Expert Business

Did you even think about having a Marketing Plan when you first got started with your expert business? Most new entrepreneurs don’t. Maybe you went through the requisite ‘Business Plan’ process. Maybe not… More likely, you ‘finally’ got fed up with your 9-5, and started looking for another way to make a living. You found […]

3 Ways To Turn Prospects Into Clients

3 doors | turn prospects into clients

When you first start out, you’re focused on building an audience and getting clients and sales.  Period.  This means you must turn prospects into clients with some consistency. In fact, many top coaches and consultant swear by the idea that new businesses should only focus on sales and revenue until you reach the 7 figure […]